Residential heating
Residential heating with fossil fuels and wood is a major source to global warming and air pollution.
Fossil fuels, firewood and wood chips/pellets used for heating and cooking contributes significantly to global warming and air pollution. In Europe, Canada, Rusia, China and many other regions, residential heating with wood and coal is the dominating source to health hazardous and climate damaging air pollution with soot (black carbon) and particulate matter significantly increasing mortality and morbidity. In poorer regions in Africa, India, Asia, etc., wood burning for cooking (heating) causes the same harmful pollution.
Simple technical solutions (better insulation, district heating and heat pumps) can eliminate climate and air pollution from residential heating and thereby significantly improve public health.
Watch video – Clip 1 Watch video – Clip 2
Publication for download: Pollution from residential burning

Green Global Future promotes clean heating by:
- Participating in several European networks focused on clean heating.
- Regulations to enhance heat pumps (individual and in district heating).
- Policies to stimulate better insulation and other heat saving actions.
- Engaging with progressive stakeholders incl. clean-tech suppliers.
- Efficient policies to avoid new fossil fuel or wood-based heating.
- Taxes and bans on heating with fossil fuel and woody biomass.
- Inclusion of CO2 from biomass burning in national CO2-inventories.
- Arranging international conferences on best practice and solutions.
- Presswork to highlight both pollution and the many technical solutions.
- Pollution measurements inside/outside houses with wood/coal heating