NRMM: Non-road mobile machinery
NRMM is often old polluting machinery running many hours every day near employees.
NRMM is mainly diesel driven and is thereby a challenge in relation to global warming. In addition, NRMM typically has a long lifetime (often old equipment without air pollution control) and is used many hours every day. Hence, each piece of equipment contributes significantly to pollution.
In richer parts of the world e.g., in the EU, efficient regulation of emissions has significantly reduced air pollution from new NRMM by low-sulphur fuels and air pollution control. However, old polluting equipment is still frequently used. In developing countries there is still a basic need for regulation to promote low-sulphur fuels and air pollution control. And to build a system to enforce the regulation.
Existing technical solutions can minimize global warming and air pollution from NRMM. The ultimate solution is electric NRMM wherever possible.

Green Global Future promotes cleaner NRMM by:
- Regulations (e.g., green public procurement) to enhance electric NRMM.
- Engaging with progressive stakeholders incl. the clean-tech suppliers.
- Low-emission zones to exclude the most polluting NRMM from cities.
- Working with companies on green NRMM e.g., stop the engine campaigns, etc.
- Focusing on work-related exposure with trade unions and the management.
- Control/documentation of particulate filters at construction sites, in ports, etc.
- Air quality measurements at construction sites, in ports and airports, etc.